Action Verbs. Words That Get Things Done.

When it comes to planning, whether it's for your professional projects or personal goals, the clarity of your actions can make all the difference. Enter the world of action verbs – potent tools that bring precision and drive to your planning process.

Action verbs are words that express action or convey a sense of doing. They can help you describe your actions more vividly and project a clearer image of what needs to be done. Action verbs are also known as dynamic verbs, as they often denote an activity rather than just a state of being.

Using action verbs in your planning process helps you to communicate more effectively and give your ideas more impact. They can be especially useful when setting goals and creating task lists, as they help to break down abstract concepts into specific actions that need to be taken.

The Impact of Action Verbs.

Action verbs are the muscles of language. They propel us forward and turn plans from passive lists into compelling blueprints for success. But what exactly makes them so crucial in planning?

Firstly, action verbs create a strong impact. Words like ‘execute’, ‘implement’, and ‘deliver’ are powerhouses that convey intent and momentum. They’re not just about setting targets; they’re about getting things done. When you recite your plan filled with action verbs, each point resonates with a determination that's hard to ignore.

Moreover, such verbs promote clear understanding. Planning can often become a complex web of ideas and intentions, but when you anchor each step with an action verb, there’s no ambiguity. Everyone involved knows precisely what the aim is and can visualise the act of achievement. This drives a collective focus and gets everyone on the same page, striving toward shared objectives.

Building a Bias For Action.

Using action verbs in your planning process also helps to cultivate a bias for action. This is the mentality of constantly seeking opportunities to take concrete steps towards your goals, rather than just talking about them.

When you use words like ‘accomplish’, ‘complete’, or ‘achieve’ in your plan, it encourages you and those around you to think proactively and take ownership of their role in the process. Instead of waiting for things to happen, they become energised to make things happen themselves.

Benefits of Using Action Verbs in Planning.

Increased Motivation.

With verbs like 'accelerate' or 'forge', your plan doesn’t just speak—it shouts. It ignites a feeling of motivation within the team or even within yourself. Each action word is a call to arms, a plea to push boundaries and achieve more.

Enhanced Accountability.

When you ‘finalise’ a report or ‘launch’ a campaign, there's a sense of ownership that comes into play. Action verbs assign responsibility, making it crystal clear who’s doing what. This boosts accountability as every task is tied to a deliberate action someone must take.

Streamlined Communication.

Communication becomes more straightforward with action verbs. They cut through the noise and reduce misunderstanding. 'Coordinate', 'organize', and 'facilitate' are not just tasks; they are direct instructions that lead to efficient collaboration.

Empowered Decision-Making.

Action verbs lay the groundwork for decisive actions. When you 'analyse' data or 'determine' the best course, it sets a firm directive that supports stronger and faster decision-making.

Measurable Outcomes.

Lastly, verbs are inherently linked to performance and measurement. If a task requires you to ‘increase’ sales, it’s apparent that an evaluation is based on the uplift. Action verbs, by their nature, drive towards measurable outcomes that cement the concept of progress within every phase of planning.

Examples of Action Verbs in Planning.

Let’s put theory into practice. Here are some powerful action verbs that can transform your plans into action-ready strategies:

  • Develop - A broad and overarching verb that is ideal for many planning tasks.

  • Implement - This action word adds a sense of urgency, as it implies the plan must be put into practice immediately.

  • Establish - Use this verb when creating a new process or structure within your team or organisation.

  • Maximise - When you want to bring out the best in a system or process, this action verb communicates that it’s not just about getting things done, but doing them to their full potential.

  • Optimise - Similar to maximise, this verb implies taking something good and making it even better. It’s perfect for refining existing processes.

  • Create - A versatile word that can apply to many planning scenarios. It implies a sense of innovation and originality.

  • Prioritise - When you need to decide what is most important, use this action verb to convey the need for careful consideration.

  • Streamline - This word suggests simplifying or making more efficient. Use it when your plan involves eliminating unnecessary steps or processes.

  • Facilitate - When planning requires coordinating or assisting others, this is a useful action verb to use.

  • Integrate - This word emphasises bringing multiple elements together in harmony. Use it when your plan involves merging different systems or processes.

A list of action verbs to use in business planning.

Using Action Verbs Leads to Better Results.

Implementing the right action verbs in your planning can significantly impact the success of your strategies. By using powerful and specific words, you convey a sense of purpose and direction that motivates others to take action.

When developing plans, it's essential to consider the audience and adjust your language accordingly. For example, if presenting to upper management, use action verbs that demonstrate results and success. On the other hand, when presenting to front-line employees, use action verbs that convey teamwork and collaboration.

Additionally, using action verbs can help you stay focused on your objectives and keep your plans concise. It forces you to think critically about what actions need to be taken, rather than relying on vague or passive language.

How To Encourage Your Team To Use Action Verbs.

As a leader, you play a crucial role in setting the tone for your team's language and communication. Here are some tips on how to encourage your team to use action verbs in their planning:

  1. Lead by example - Make sure that you are consistently using action verbs in your communication and planning. Your team will follow suit if they see you doing it.

  2. Provide a list of action verbs - Give your team a list of powerful and specific action verbs to use in their planning. This will help them expand their vocabulary and improve the quality of their plans.

  3. Encourage feedback - Ask for feedback from your team on ways to improve the language used in planning. By involving them in the process, they will feel more invested in implementing action verbs.

  4. Highlight the benefits - Explain to your team the importance and benefits of using action verbs in planning, such as increased clarity, motivation and focus. This will give them a better understanding of why it's essential to incorporate them into their language.

  5. Provide training - Consider providing training or workshops on effective communication and how to use action verbs in planning. This will help your team develop their skills and feel more confident using action verbs.

  6. Celebrate success - When you see your team effectively incorporating action verbs into their planning, celebrate it! This positive reinforcement will encourage them to continue using them in the future.

By encouraging your team to use action verbs in their communication and planning, you are promoting a culture of proactive and results-driven thinking. This will ultimately lead to better planning and execution, and ultimately, success for your team and organisation.

Incorporating action verbs into your planning is like putting a turbocharger in an engine – it exponentially increases the thrust and direction needed to soar toward your goals. Action verbs not only instruct but inspire; they not only designate but drive. By harnessing their power, you transform planning from a mundane task into a focused journey towards achievement.

Remember, plans are only as robust as the language that shapes them. Enrich your strategy with action verbs, and watch your plans leap from the page into reality, yielding results that speak volumes of the determined spirit behind their creation.

Keep planning, maintain a bias for action, and let the action verbs lead the way!


My Manifesto.


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