What we do, and don’t do.

Sometimes being clear about what we don’t do helps us better explain what we do. Getting results for our clients means being very clear about where our expertise lies.

Business consultants can deliver a range of services to support business improvement including;

  • Business analysis involves extracting insights from business data using a range of analytical techniques. It encompasses tasks aimed at identifying the requirements of a business from historical results, followed by recommending changes that could help the organisation achieve its goals.

We don't do business analysis.

  • Business diagnosis involves a systematic approach to uncovering the root causes of underperformance. By establishing clear links between causes and effects, it enables the identification of symptoms or underlying issues that contribute to a problem. This process allows for a comprehensive understanding and effective resolution of business challenges.

We don't do business diagnosis.

  • Strategic exploration encompasses the pursuit of information, often in a non-linear and iterative manner, to enhance the quality of thinking to support improved planning and decision making. It requires evaluating a range of external information and supporting cognitive flexibility and adaptive thinking to explore alternative avenues as new understanding unfolds.

We do strategic exploration.

  • Foresight supports strategic exploration by providing a comprehensive overview of the ever-changing business landscape. It supports organisations to identify, qualify, quantify and assess emerging change and trends developing now and over the next 5-10+ years. With this knowledge our clients can better anticipate and respond to long-term shifts occurring across society, technology, the economy, the environment and politics so that they can shape potential opportunities and hedge against risks and uncertainties - with more confidence and greater reliability.

We do foresight.